Preformulation: Fundamental Aspects for Product Development

Prior to development of any formulations the physiochemical properties of drug molecule should be known to the formulator. Preformulation studies have a significant part to play in anticipating formulation problems and identifying logical path in liquid, semisolid and solid dosage form technology.
Prior to the development of pharmaceutical dosage forms, it is essential that be valid fundamental physical and chemical properties of the drug molecule and other divided properties of the drug powder are determined.

Preformulation is to make available and realize information regarding:
1) The degradation process
2) Any adverse conditions relevant to the drug
3) Bioavailability
4) Pharmacokinetics and formulation of similar compounds  
5) Toxicity.

Preformulation influences - 
a) Selection of the drug candidate itself
b) Selection of formulation components
c) API and drug product manufacturing processes
d) Determination of the most appropriate container closure system
e) Development of analytical methods 
f) Assignment of API retest periods
g) The synthetic route of API
h) Toxicological strategy
i) To establish its compatibility with common excipients by observing caking, liquefaction, colour change, odour formation.
It also gives directions for the development of formulation in choice of drug form, excipients, composition, and physical form.

Introduction of Preformulation
·   Preformulation testing is the first step in the rational development of dosage forms of a drug substance.
·     It can be defined as a phase of research & development process for an investigation of physicaland chemical properties of new drug substance alone or in combination with other excipients in order to development of stable, safe and effective dosage form. The possible interactions with the various components intended for use in the final drug product are also considered. It is an effort that encompasses the study of such parameters as dissolution, polymorphic forms and crystal size and shape, pH profile of stability, and drug – excipient interactions, which may have a profound effect on a drug’s physiological availability and physical and chemical stability.

Objectives of Preformulation
The overall objective of preformulation testing is to generate information useful to the formulator:
a.       To formulate stable, safe and effective dosage form
b.      To increased drug stability
c.       To improve drug bioavailability
d.      Reduce drug excipient incompatibility
e.       It is important to have an understanding of the physical description of a drug substance before dosage form development.
f.       It is 1st step in rational development of a dosage form of a drug substance before dosage form development.

Goals of Preformulation
a.       To establish the physico-chemical parameters of new drug substance.
b.      To establish the physical characteristics
c.       To establish the kinetic rate profile.
d.      To establish the compatibility with the common excipient.
e.       To choose the correct form of a drug substance.

Applications of Preformulation
Preformulation studies begins or shall be updated
·         Immediately after the synthesis and initial toxicity screening of a new drug.
·         When a newly synthesized drug shows pharmacological evidence that requires further evaluation in man
·         When formulation and dosage form changes are required
·         When solid form changes of DS are required.

Before beginning the formal preformulation programs the preformulation scientist must consider the following factors:-
·         The amount of drug available.
·         The physicochemical properties of the drug already known.
·         Therapeutic category and anticipated dose of compound.
·         The nature of information, a formulation should have or would like to have.

Following studies are conducted as basic preformulation studies; special studies are conducted depending on the type of dosage form and the type of drug molecules -
·         Solubility determination
·         pKa determination
·         Partition co-efficient
·         Crystal properties and polymorphism
·         Practical size, shape and surface area.
·         Chemical stability profile.

Protocol for Preformulation Studies

Outline of principal areas of preformulation research


Preformulation Parameters

Preformulation parameters
Method used
Organoleptic Properties
Colour and Odour Determination
Crystallinity & Polymorphyism
X-ray Diffraction Studies (Lachman, 1991)
Fine Particle Characterization
Microscopic Method (Lachman, 1991)
Solubility Profile
Equilibrium Solubility Method (I.P. 2007)
(Lachman, 1991)
Analytical Method Development
UV Spectroscopic Method, HPLC Method
Ionization Constant, pKa
Determination of Spectral Shifts by UV Spectroscopy
(Lachman, 1991)
Partition Coefficient
Using octanol / water,(Lachman, 1991)
Bulk Density
Tapping Method (Lachman, 1991)
Powder Flow Properties
% Compressibility Determination,  Angle of Repose (Lachman, 1991)
Compatibility With Excipients
DSC (Stulzer and Rodriques et al., 2008)
Solution and Solid State Stability (PCT/US03/35012)
Stability Indicating Method Development
Forced Degradation Studies (Rao et al., 2009)

Organoleptic properties
·         Colour: Stability problems, improve appearance by including dye in body or coating
·         Taste: Palatability, flavours, and excipient may be added.
·         Odour: Degradation products, e.g. Aspirin stable form of drug to be used, flavours and excepients may be used.

Suggested terminology to describe organoleptic properties of pharmaceutical powders
Colour                  Odour                  Taste
Off-White              Pungent                Acidic
Cream Yellow       Sulfurous              Bitter
Tan                        Fruity                    Bland
Shiny                     Aromatic               Intense
    -                         Odourless              Sweet
    -                              -                       Tasteless
-   Purity studies are essential for further studies to be carried out safely.
-   Impurities may make a compound toxic or render it unstable.
-   TLC, HPLC, GC and Paper chromatography used.
-   HPLC-Impurity Index (II), Homogeneity index (HI).
-   DTA, gravimetric analysis and melting point by hot stage microscopy are other techniques.
-   Impurity index (II): Defined as the ratio of all responses (peak areas) due to components other than the main one to the total area response.
-   Homogeneity index (HI): Defined as the ratio of response (peak area) due to main component to the total response.
E.g.: main component –retention time:  4.39min
                                     -area response:  4620
Impurities – 7 minor peaks; area response: 251
                  - Total area response: 251+4620
Impurity index: = 251/(4620+ 251)
                           = .0515
Homogeneity index: = 1 - .0515
                                   = .9485

Other Tools in Assessment of Impurity
·         Differential thermal analysis(DTA)
·         Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)
·         Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
·         Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD)

Particle size and shape
-   Various chemical and physical properties of drug substances are affected by their particle size distribution and shapes.
-   The effect is not only on physical properties as well as biopharmaceutical behavior.
-   It also influence the flow and the mixing efficacy of powders and granules.
-   Fine materials are relatively more open to attack from atmospheric oxygen, humidity, than that of coarse material.

Particle size determination
-   Microscopy. E.g. Light microscope, electron microscope.
-   Anderson Pipette
-   Sieving method
-   Instruments based on light blockage (HIAC) and blockage of electrical conductivity path (coulter counter are available).

Common techniques for measuring fine particles of various sizes
Technique                              Particle size (mm)
Microscopic                             1 - 100
Sieve                                        > 50
Sedimentation                         > 1
Elutriation                                1 - 50
Centrifugal                               < 50
Permeability                            > 1
Light scattering                       0.5 - 50

Shape determination:
-   Microscopy should be carried out to determine the ratio of longest to shortest dimension. It is a shape factor.

Shape   factor
Ø  Commonly used shape factor converts volume of particle ‘v’ to its volumetric mean diameter ‘av’
§  V=αv.av³
Ø  Shape factor may be defined which converts the surface area ‘s’of a  particle to its surface mean diameter ‘as’
§  S=αs.as²
Ø  Fractal Dimensions are carried out by imaging techniques.

In (N) = -n In(g)+q     where: N= no. of squares.
                                                    g=length of grid size.
                                                    n & q are constants

Surface area determination
-   It is determined based on Brunaver Emitter Teller (BET) theory of adsorption.
-   Most substances adsorb mono molecular layer of gas (Nitrogen) and temperature.
-   Air adsorption and permeability methods

Crystallinity and polymorphism
Crystal habit and internal structure of a drug can affect bulk and physiochemical properties
q  HABBIT: Outer appearance of crystal.
q  Internal structure
-   Crystalline     
-   Amorpho
Characterization of solid forms

Analytical methods for characterization of solid forms
    Method                                         Material required per sample
a.       Microscopy                                          1mg
b.      Fusion methods                                    1mg
            (Hot stage microscopy)
c.       Infrared spectroscopy                           2-20mg
d.      X-ray powder diffraction                      500mg
e.       Scanning electron microscopy              2mg
f.       Thermogravimetric analysis                 10mg
g.      Dissolution/Solubility analysis             mg to gm

q  All substances are transparent examined under microscope – are either isotropic or anisotropic
q  Isotropic substances do not transmit the light – appears black – and have single refractive index. E.g. Sodium Chloride
q  Anisotropic substances – more than one refractive index – appear bright and brilliant color – uniaxial and biaxial
q  Color depends upon – thickness of crystal and diff. in refractive indices.

Thermal Analysis
q  Differential Scanning Colorimetry (DSC) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTH) measures the heat loss or heat gain - resulting from physical or chemical changes.
q  Two types of processes
Endothermic: like fusion, boiling, sublimation, vaporization, desolvation
Exothermic: like crystallization, degradation
q  Quantitative measurement of these process have many application in preformulation study including Purity, Polymorphism, solvation, degradation

X-Ray Diffraction
·         Crystalline materials gives characteristics pattern – by peaks in certain position & varying intensities
·         Different Polymorphs – different x-ray diffraction pattern due to crystal lattice.
·         Single crystal x-ray analysis provides precise identification & description of a crystalline substances.

Substances can exist in more than one crystalline form
·         Polymorphic forms – diff. physical-chemical properties (incl. melting pt. & solubility)
·         Polymorphs: 
-   Enatiotropic     
-   Monotropic 
·         Determination method:
Thermodyanamically-van, t Hoff plot (solubility vs temperature)
Directly – by microscopic determination

·         Many substances, particularly water soluble salt form have a tendency to absorb atmospheric pressure.
·         Change in moisture level can influence chemical stability, flow ability, and compatibility.
·         It can be monitored by Karl Fischer titration, TGA

Powder Flow
·         The pharmaceutical powders are classified as
-   Free flowing
-   Cohesive or non-free flowing
·         The powder flow are affected by the changes in –
        Particle Size
        Shape                                 Free flowing drug may become cohesive and
        Electrostatic Charge        necessitates an entirely new formulation strategy
        Adsorbed Moisture                   

·         Solubility > 1 % w/v
ð  no dissolution-related absorption problem
·         Highly insoluble drug administered in small doses may exhibit good absorption
·         Unstable drug in highly acidic environment of stomach, high solubility and consequent rapid dissolution could result in a decreased bioavailability.
·         The solubility of every new drug must be determined as a function of pH over the physiological pH range of 1 - 8.

Determination of Solubility
Semi quantitative determination:

Accurately Quantitative determination:

General Method of Increasing the Solubility
v  Addition of co-solvent
v  pH change method
v  Reduction of particle size
v  Temperature change method
v  Addition of Surfactant
v  Complexation
Unique Problems in Solubility Determination of Poorly Soluble Compounds
-   Solubility could be over estimated due to the presence of soluble impurities
-   Saturation solubility is not reached in a reasonable length of time unless the amount of solid used is greatly in excess of that needed to saturation
-   Many compounds in solution degrade, thus making an accurate determination of solubility difficult
-   Difficulty is also encountered in the determination of solubility of metastable forms that transform to more stable forms when exposed to solvents

pH-Solubility Profile

Poorly-soluble weakly-acidic drugs:
                        pH       =          pKa  +  log [(St - So)/So]               

Poorly-soluble weakly-basic drugs:
                        pH       =          pKa  +  log [So/(St - So)]               
            So         = solubility of unionized free acid or base
            St         = total solubility (unionized + ionized)

Process of Solubilization
The process of solubilization involves the breaking of inter-ionic or intermolecular bonds in the solute, the separation of the molecules of the solvent to provide space in the solvent for the solute, interaction between the solvent and the solute molecule or ion.

Step 1: Holes opens in the solvent

Step2: Molecules of the solid breaks away from the bulk

Step 3: The free solid molecule is intergraded into the hole in the solvent

Solubilization can be enhanced by:
-   Use more soluble metastable polymorph
-   Use of complexation (eg.Ribloflavin-xanthinescomplex) 
-   Use of high-energy co-precipitates that are mixtures of solid solutions and solid dispersions (eg. Griseofulvin in PEG 4000, 6000, and 20,000) in PEG 4000 and 20,000 -> supersaturated solutions in PEG 6000 -> bioavailability in human twice > micronized drug
-   Use of suitable surfactant

Partition Coefficient
It is the ratio of unionized drug distributed between organic and aqueous phase at equilibrium.
    P o/w = (C oil / C water) equilibrium
-   It ratio of unionized drug in organic & aq. phase
-   It measure lipophilicity
-   Major role in drug transport
-   Analytical separation

Ionization Constant
·         The unionized species are more lipid-soluble and hence more readily absorbed.
·         The GI absorption of weakly acidic or basic drugs is related to the fraction of unionized drug in solution.
·         Factors affecting absorption:
                        - pH at the site of absorption
                        - Ionization constant
                        - Lipid solubility of unionized species
                                       pH-partition theory”

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
For acids:
            pH  =  pKa + log [ionized form]/[unionized form]
For bases:
            pH  =  pKa + log [unionized form]/[ionized form]

Determination of Ionization Constant
            1. Potentiometric pH-Titration
            2. pH-Spectrophotometry Method
            3. pH-Solubility Analysis


Diagram showing dissolution and absorption of solid dosage form into blood circulation



        PADDLE  TYPE                                       BASKET TYPE

2 types of systems to maintain uniform hydrodynamic conditions
1.      Static disc dissolution apparatus
2.      Rotating disc apparatus

Intrinsic Dissolution
Film Theory
The dissolution of a solid in its own solution is adequately described by Noyes-Nernst’s “Film Theory”.
                                    -dW     =          DAK (Cs - C)            
                                       dt                     h
                   dW/dt =   dissolution rate
                        A   =    surface area of the dissolving solid
                        D   =    diffusion coefficient
                        K   =    partition coefficient
                        h    =    aqueous diffusion layer
                        Cs  =    solubility of solute
                        C    =   solute concentration in the bulk medium
·         Intrinsic dissolution rate (mg/cm2/min) is characteristics of each solid compound in a given solvent under fixed hydrodynamic conditions
·         Intrinsic dissolution rate helps in predicting if absorption would be dissolution rate-limited
·         1 mg/cm2/min --> not likely to present dissolution rate-limited absorption problems
·         < 0.1 mg/cm2/min --> usually exhibit dissolution rate-limited absorption
·         0.1 - 1.0 mg/cm2/min --> more information is needed before making any prediction

Effect of particle size of phenacetin on dissolution rate of the drug from granules


Solid State Stability
·         For identification of stable storage condition
·         Also for identification of compatible excipient for a formulation
·         Extent a product retains within specified limits and through its period of storage and use
Stability studies conducted in the preformulation phase:
·         Solid-state of the drug alone
·         Solution phase
·         With the expected excipients

Photolytic stability
·         Many drugs fade or dropped on exposure light.
·         Exposure of drug 400 and 900 foot-candles of illumination for 4 and 2 week periods respectively is adequate to provide some idea of photosensitivity.
·         Resulting data may be useful in determining if an amber colored container is required for formulation.

Stability to Oxidation
·         Drug’s sensitivity to oxidation can be examined by exposing it to atmosphere of high oxygen tension. Usually a 40% oxygen atmosphere allows for rapid evaluation.
·         Samples are kept in desiccators equipped with three-way stop cocks, which are alternatively evacuated and flooded with desired atmosphere.
·         The process is repeated 3 or 4 times to ensure 100% desired atmosphere. Results may be useful in predicting if an antioxidant is required in the formulation or if the final product should be packaged under inert atmospheric conditions.

Solution phase stability
·         As compared with the dry form, the degradation is much rapid in solution form. It is important ascertain that the drug doesn’t degrade when exposed to GI fluid.
·         The pH based stability study, using different stimulator GI condition can be designed.
·         A poor solution stability of drug may urge the formulator to choose a less soluble salt form, provided the bioavailability is not compromised.

Compatibility studies
·         The knowledge of drug excipients interaction is useful for the formulation to select appropriate excipients.
·         The described preformulation screening of drug excipients interaction requires only 5mg of drug in a 50% mixture with the excipients to maximize the likelihood of obscuring an interaction.
·         Mixtures should be examined under nitrogen to ultimate oxidation and paralytic effect at a standard heating rate on DSC, over a temperature range, which will encompass any thermal changes due to both the drug and appearance or disappearance one or more peaks in themogrames of drug excipient mixtures are considered of indication of interaction.

Flow diagram to identify excipient compatibility with drug

Formulation Recommendation
·         Upon completion of preformulation evaluation of a new drug candidate, it recommended that a comprehensive report be prepared highlighting problems associated with this molecule
·         These Reports re extremely important in preparing regulatory documents

q  Preformulation studies have a significant part to play in anticipating formulation problems and identifying logical path in both liquid and solid dosage form technology. 
q  By comparing the physicochemical properties of each drug candidate with in a therapeutic group, the preformulation scientist can assist:
-   the synthetic chemist to identify the optimum molecule,
-   provide the biologist with suitable vehicles to elicit pharmacological response and
-   advise the bulk chemist about the selection and production of the best salt with appropriate particle size and morphology for subsequent processing.               
